Bandshell Boogie

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What is it?

  • Bringing Dance Back to the Public Realm, Boulder’s largest outdoor dance gatherings – is a community wide, free summer event series that is all about re-introducing the power of Freeform / Ecstatic Dance back into our fast-paced and increasingly technological modern lifestyles.
  • The Summer Dance Series consists of 7 consecutive Monday evenings at Boulder’s Bandshell pavilion, and is located in Central Park in downtown Boulder… where people in the Boulder community can take part in a fun and creative space to dance and enjoy the evening!
  • Each of the dances are mixed by popular local DJs who craft transformational journeys – electronic music from many genres, including ecstatic, disco, funk, soul, club and pop.

What is unique these dance events?

  • They provide an open, public, easily-accessible and centrally-located space where people can connect with each other, make new friends, dance, feel safe and encouraged to share and express themselves in the city where they reside – Boulder!
  • Whether staying for 20 minutes, or for the whole time, people feel free to dance, meet up with friends or simply sit back and absorb all the positive energy and fun! The city-wide special event series is all about bringing dance out into the community where the people are!
  • The weekly Monday environments are casual, all-ages friendly, drug and alcohol-free and the dance floor is always a rockin’ good time!
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